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Showing posts from February, 2024


       " In a station of the Metro " -By EZRA POND "The apparition of the faces in the crowd,petals on a wet, black bought." In this poem Ezra Pound relates two different scenarios in one frame.It is an "Imagist" poem, “In a Station of the Metro” captures a fleeting moment of perceptual intensity that Ezra Pound experienced at the Concorde station of the Paris Metro in 1912. When this poem first appeared, it provided a chief example of an experimental new form of poetry known as “IMAGISM".This form of poetry drew inspiration from the Japanese poetic form k nown as haiku. In this above given picture you can relate two scenes ,one side you can clearly see the heads of peoples on the metro station and on the other side you can see the black part looks like branch of tree and the colourful heads looks like petals.   After gaining knowledge about this poem I also tried to write ✍️ in this form  Here is my work I hope you all appreciate it. (1). "Turmo